WRAP® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is an evidence-based internationally used self-management and recovery system developed by a group of people who had mental health difficulties and who were struggling to incorporate wellness tools and strategies into their lives. WRAP, presented by BCSS Victoria, is a program that is offered several times a year with weekly workshops of eight sessions led by two trained facilitators with lived experience.
WRAP is a safe, simple and easy way to construct an individualized plan for maintaining wellness, learning from lapses in wellness, and building upon that to stay balanced for long periods. WRAP is based on 5 key concepts – Hope, Personal Responsibility, Education, Self-Advocacy and Support. This program will help each individual develop their own wellness plan including a Daily Maintenance Plan, identifying individual triggers, early warning signs, signs of when things are breaking down and a crisis and post crisis plan.
If you are interested in registering for WRAP, please contact BCSS Victoria at 250-384-4225 or email [email protected]. NOTE: For Adult WRAP registrants, we ask that the individual seeking to enter the program is the one to contact us to register. We are of course happy to answer your questions, whether you are a family member, loved one, or community member, and are delighted to provide information to you to share with the individual who will register.
Click on link below for more information about the WRAP program.
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